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All pre & post award research projects in one complete package

Nothing gets missed!

User friendly, highly integrated self-service tools provide clear and consistent information in one location. Staff will spend less time on administration and more time on providing value for the organisation.


HDR Students

Industry Collaborations


Clinical Trials

Reduce overheads

Reduce the dependency on administrators through powerful self-service tools.

Trusted and timely access 

Access to reliable and up-to-date project details can occur anytime, from anywhere in the world.

Keep it simple

Our sophisticated integrations consolidate data from many different systems enhancing data integrity and making your day to day more efficient.

Seamless interoperability

Deep, automated integration with leading financial packages, HR systems and EDMS

Never miss a milestone

Centralize notifications and reduce email dependency with sophisticated communications, mentions and task tracking

Consistent and correct

Direct integrations from funding bodies dramatically reduces manual data entry and opportunity for error

Configurable notifications

Configurable in-app or email notifications. Escalation pathways for key events and processes


Information is stored securely in enterprise grade Microsoft Azure cloud instances.

More than a meta data repository

For researchers

  • Spend less time chasing administration
  • Real-time financials at your fingertips showing how much you have left to spend on projects
  • Find out how much you have left to spend on each project (including salaries)
  • Link research outputs and ethics projects directly to a project
  • Up to date statuses and clear visibility over research agreements and contracts, milestones and invoices

For administrators

  • Track project spend across any organisational unit with over-expenditure reporting
  • One stop shop with all your research projects in one package
  • Link research outputs and ethics projects directly to a project to ensure ongoing compliance
  • Empowering users with real time and robust information allows you to strengthen organisational policies

Two-way link contracts and workflows to projects

MTA's, service agreements, costing change process even invention disclosures ... intuitively linked to the projects they relate to.

  • Stop tracking contract meta data manually
  • Any type of contract or workflow can be intuitively tracked and actioned across your org structure
  • Transparent, real-time approval progress
  • Use as a document repository or integrate with RDMS
  • Multiparty agreements, parallel approvals
  • Admin KPIs and performance reporting


Centralize your opportunities database and expose it to applicants directly via the Fund IQ or other systems via API. Easily configure assessment workflows via the application and transform successful applications into projects with a single click.

Project Funding

External funding opportunities can be integrated with third parties. Internal awards, prizes and funding support can be confidentially managed


Publish scholarship opportunities according to FoR or department


eProcurement processes and contract management

Research Projects

HDR student projects, commercially sponsored opportunities or targeted calls for research

Whole-of-business reporting

Organisation wide reporting gives you the complete set of business intelligence out of the box. From budget analysis to workload analysis, the Fund IQ will empower users at all levels.

Executive reporting

Gain insights for executive level KPI reporting via year on year comparison analysis.

Department, School, Team performance

Analyse trends across departments, labs or individuals across years.

Filter away

Group and filter on almost anything in the database for ad hoc reporting and analysis.

Take a look at our other modules

Research Tracking and Impact

Configurable research output profiles
Research impact analysis and metrics
Automated publication harvesting
Institutional Repository
Open Access Repository


Ethics and Governance Management

Human Ethics, Animal Ethics, Governance
Research Governance and Biosafety
Committee meeting & review tools
Version control & tracked changes
Skills, training and competencies